What is it, Mommy?

About the contributors


Rachel Rinehart

Rinrac, The truth is always in the word.


What is it, Mommy? What moms are saying about this book:

“As a K-12 school counselor, I have worked with thousands of kids. I noticed that the majority of behavior issues stem from children not knowing appropriate ways to express their emotions. Too many times their feelings are pushed down until they explode in inappropriate ways. This book would be exceedingly helpful or useful as bibliotherapy for young children because it teaches them positive ways to express their feelings.” Brittany Gaines, K-12 School Counselor and School Psych Examiner (S.P.E)

“This is exactly the kind of book I needed when my kids were small! Understanding how to deal with emotions is so important as children grow. Rachel’s book is sure to open dialogue that will help you teach your children to process their feelings in a way that they can understand!” Jill Adams, Writer and podcast host

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